Project support
Do you need help with choosing of sun tunnel a with a Lightway sun tunnel draft?
The calculation of the day light amount, cooperation with your architect or projectant.
Lightway will help you to find the best solution.
If you won't find the required information, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support.
On-line light calculator
For approxaimate calculation of day light,
which will Lightway sun tunnels transmit in your house,
use on-line calculator.
How much light
will the sun tunnel transmit?
Do you need help with what size of sun tunnel will provide
the required amount of day light in the room?
Professional calculation of the quantity of day light
For the sun tunnels type and quantity to be exactly as you require, please give us required quantity of day light, which you need to transmit into the room, office hall or a shop and we will make calculations of the quantity and Lightway type which is needed.
We will sort out an independent measurement of day light unit after the aplication of Lightway as a proof for the building colaudation - proof that the day light norms were met.
For a Lightway calculation are used following methods. Please chose the one which is suitable for you, or send a requirement on Lightway customer support.

Studies and calculation of needed quantity od Lightway including 3D model.
Do you know that you need a set amout of luxes at the work place or in the different part of the building? We will sort out the rest in the Lightway department of technical support.
Examples of calculations for hygienic norm:
Project support
Do you need a Lightway to cooperate with your architect or projectant?
If you want to include Lightway sun tunnels into your house project, we will provide full support to your architect or projectant. You will find the needed documentation of Lightway sun tunnels in the section for architect and projectants.
If you won't find the required information, please do not hesitate to contact Lightway customer support..

Need help with designing or calculating Lightway sun tunnels?
Lightway design department will work out a professional design of lighting your property with daylight using Lightway.
Fill in and send the contact form please.
I want a draft and a calculation of sun tunnels
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