Lightway sun tunnels
Lighting up of large areas by daylight
Lighting up of large areas by daylight.
In average we spent up to 90% of our time in an interior with no day light.
Not only that it has significant negative effect on workers health, lack or absence of day light in working place significantly influences work productivity and loyalty of employees aswell.
Lightway sun tunnels will ensure sufficiency of day light in working place even when it's cloudy. It improves sight comfort in an interior of building and it holds a lot of advantages for employees and employers.
Work productivity increases by 6-16%
In average the performance of employees will increase by 6-16% if there is a day light in working place. Along with decreasing of sick leaves by 10% you will significantly increase work productivity of workers.
Better concentration and inclination to work
etter sight comfort will increase motivation to work, satisfaction and loyalty of employees. It will decrease tiredness and will increase concentration and ability to learn.
Higher sales at store by 40%
Day light will cause sales area to look more spacious, clean and attractive. According to studies the attendance and sales of goods will increase by 31-49%.
Fulfilled hygienic and environmental regulations
Sun tunnels will enable meeting the hygienic requirement for lighting of working place. Ecological benefit of Lightway sun tunnels then enables to lower the environmental track of company (CFF) in harmony with the ISO 14064 regulation.

Lightway sun tunnels have a solution for every situation
Lightway is able to commute day light from anywhere on the shield of the building. After that it will conduct the light to the place you need it in by highly reflexive sun pipe.

High effectivity of light conduction and a long life span without any essential maintenance.
n the manufacture of Lightway sun tunnels are used up to date modern materials and technologies for collection, conducting and diffusionvof light. The result of tha is a device which will add day light in your interior for dozens of years and as a bonus it saves your electric energy and environment.

- Roof angleIt is possible to place Lightway sun tunnel on roofs with arbitrary angle. Flat roof with angle of 0-5° will be provided by elevated cuff, which enables assembly of sun tunnel on green roof and it prevents covering of the sun tunnel for instance by snow.
- Types of roofingIt is possible to place Lightway sun tunnels in all commonly used types of roofing from profiled roof tiles, shingle, aluminum large format templates up to insulating stips and green roof.
- 1Glass roof dome
Lightway Crystal roof dome is made of crystal glass. It is designed for maximal effectivity of collecting light during the whole day, even if it's cloudy.
Except high effectivity a Lightway glass dome excels with a very large life span. The glass doesn't age up, it doesn't change colour and it cleans itself with every rain and wind. - 2Highly reflective sun pipeInternal mirror wall of Lightway sun tunnel is covered by highly reflexive layer of rel silver and by silicon oxides,which is applied by chemical steaming in vacuum. Thanks to this technology the reflective layer of sunpipe has high a constant effectivity of light conduction throughout the whole life span of the sun tunnel (at least 45 years)
- 3Glass diffuser - light diffuserLightway ceiling diffuser is made sodium-potassium glass. It spreads equally light in the room and avoids glaring by sun. Glass doesn't change color spectrum of light and excellently transmits the light without any loss of its intensity.
- 4 Insulation element Blue PerformanceThermal insulation element - Blue performance disrupts the thermal bridge between interior and exterior by an integrated double glass or triple glass which is insulating. At the same time it ensures excellent connection of sun tunnel to thermal roof insulation and insulation foil.
- 5Additional LED light and dimmerAdditional LED light is placed in the sunpipe of the sun tunnel. It is used to light up the room for example in the evening or at night, when the sun is not shining.
- Great priceGet your sun tunnel for a great price straight from the manufacturer, straight from the Lightway warehouse, Do not pay any unnecessary additional expenses.
- AssemblyEven though the assembly of the sun tunnel on it's own is not very difficult, thereby the instalation of the roof port requires professionalism and skill. Lightway will provide you professional support in the form of assembly videos, manual or technical list, including on-line support.
- Easy to getJust a few clicks away and within a few days you can have the sunlit interior with beautiful sunlight. The Lightway sun tunnel can be assembled in a complete set at a discounted price. In case of individual requirements, Lightway will assemble your sun tunnel exactly to your house. Most sun tunnels Lightway are in stock.
The most common
use of sun tunnels
in comercial buildings
- warehouse, manufacture
- stores
- offices
- conferencional rooms
- classrooms
- gym
- public area
- museums and galeries
- hospitals
- hotels
- restaurant
- fitness

- Roof dome and diffuser made of Bohemian crystal.
- 98 - 99 % reflectivity of sunpipe due to unique surface with the warranty of 25 years.
- Without water condensation and thermal loss, thanks to original insulation element - Blue Performance.
- Collecting of light on angled and flat roof even on the facade of the house.
- Great price and support atraight from Lightway.

MAXimal power for “maximal” buildings
Lightway MAXIMUS 5000

Comparing Lightway MAXIMUS 5000
to classic roof skylights

Uniformity of light
Lightway Maximus 5000 has a way higher uniformity of day light and better options of spreading the light throughout the whole area than a classic skylight, due to effective diffusers.
Workers and shoppers in the stores are orientating better and they experience elevated sight comfort. One Lightway Maximus 5000 replaces 3-5m of classic skylight.
Lightway Hybrid 24 Nonstop
Light with no expenses on electricity 24/7
Hybrid is a combination of day light with LED light and automatic regulation of power for maximal saving of electric energy and increasing of LED resources life span. It transmits natural daylight during the day and at night is a hybrid system connected to battery, which is charging up during the day by photovoltaic pannels. Zero expenses for turning on the light during the day and night.

Easy to install
in 15 minutes
Lightway Maximus 5000 is already assembled in the manufacture and is transported to the mounting in an assembled state. Fitting of sun tunnel is easy and fast and it takes approx. 15 minutes for one person.
More about Maximus 5000
Another types of Lightway sun tunnels
Each building has it's own solution of day light intake. That's why Lightway has developed several series of sun tunnels where each type has it's own specific usage.
Find a sun tunnel which meets your requirements the best. Lightway has a solution for every situation.
Lightway individual
If the standard product is just enough Lightway will work out a customised solution for specific order. It can be for example a special cuff for a specific roof type, adjustment of a sunpipe for light conduction or for instance a safety requirement or fire resistance. Lightway manufacture will flexibly sort out your individual requirement.

How much light will sun tunnels provide for you?
The amount and the type of sun tunnels is always suggested based on your requirements on the amount of day light. The solution must meet your individual requirements, meeting of the hygienic norm included.

How will you find out?
- Light requirements and hygienic norms to meet are a part of the project documentation of your building
- you will get an approximat calculation in our on-line calculator
- The light calculation will be customised for you by Lightway
Najděte řešení pro svůj projekt.
Choose a sun tunnel for your house and find out the price.
It is quick and easy.
- Lightway always guarantees a great price strightform the manufacturer.
- Choose the most suitable type and size of Lightway sun tunnel for your project. You will easily find out the price in our eshop.
- In realization of bigger projects or individual manufacturing will Lightway work out an individual calculation.
Service and customer support

Sun tunnel installation
Lightway provides complex counseling and support for sun tunnel installation. Assembly videos,directions and manuals, professional training including on-line support.

On- line support
Lightway is always ready to help you to pick up, order, deliver or with an assebly of sun tunnel. Please contact support team, we will be glad to help you.

Files to download
Assembly and instalation manuals, building details, certificates and other technical documents.
Need help with the draft or with calculation of sun tunnels?
Lightway project department will process a professional draft of adding day light by sun tunnel for you property.
Please fill in and send the form below.
I want a draft and a calculation of sun tunnels
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References of Lightway Owners
Choose your sun tunnel Lightway
It's easy and fast. The on-line guide will help you to go through all the steps, from lighting calculation to choice the most suitable sun tunnel for your home.
Lightway support team is ready to assist you at any time.

Lightway selection guide
4 steps to the lightway
- Calculation
of lighting - Type
selection - Lightway
configuration - Confirmation

Take these four steps to get the Lightway. It takes a few minutes. Any question will answer Lightway on-line support.